That's what I did with my day, got some wall paper. There is so much of it, and it's all so pretty. I wish I had a house to decorate and make my own.
Sadly though the room that is being decorated is the one at my dads so I will hardly use it and I'm not overly fussed about it. Shame as I could of made it all nice.
There was a right racist guy in B&Q too. I wanted to hit him. I mean he actually thought that a different skin pigment makes another person somehow inferior to him. I don't get that at all.
And those bloody midstate American racist Christians, that's another thing I don't understand. Their so called messiah was apparently a Jew from the Middle East, but they will quite happily call them all terrorists.
What a world.
Stockport is tiny. I felt like I giant there. Then again last time I was there I was about 13 and knee 'igh to a grass'opper. I got V for Vendetta as I finished reading it. So now I can watch it.
That's what I do, read the book, watch the film, occasionally buy the soundtrack but rarely buy the tshirt. We all have to have our limits.
I saw a really ugly baby today. He looked just like a miniature cave troll.
The poor bugger.
I'm sure he'll be a ladies man when he's 17.
Today my holiday beard will depart. I say beard, it's very inadequate, just like the rest of me.
I should of asked for a beard for Christmas. Oh well, always next year.
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