Sunday, 20 June 2010

Blue cheese and mushroom.

I think I might develop issues with food and where it comes from. Went out last night with my dad because his mother was over from Ireland. Bad times because this meant missing out on the work's do.
Bad times because this meant spending time with them.
First time I have been for weeks and I spent thirty hours there so that should warrant me not going for at least a month.
Anywho, we went out to the Fallow Dear. Shittest of the shit. One of those brewery chain family pubs. Same menu nation wide so you now the food is merely heated up on premises. I looked at all the menu and couldn't help but think of work and how we all don't give a shit about the food. Everything we do is disgusting and I laugh at the people who buy it because I bet they eat it thinking it's good food. I promise they would not think that if they saw me making it.
I was sure this place would be no different. Full of people who hate their jobs and laugh at the customers. The food was no good.
Now I only want food if either I have made it, trust the person who has made it or it has come out of a good chefs kitchen.
I don't think it's going to be some mega issue like OCD, but life was easier when you just get a plate of food and don't think about how it came to be. Easier, but I prefer it this way.
Dad's mother is still annoying to the extreme. I was thinking to myself, "please die soon". Because I am a terrible person.
I could list everything I hate but I know them already.

In other news where death is not wished upon the people I dislike, no work 'til Thursday!
It's gonna be bitchin'!
And another thing, I had to leave the I hate Family Guy group. I watch it these days, I must say it's a riot.  Some bits try too hard and such, but most the time I'll chuckle the whole way through.

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