To say I feel like death would be wrong. Death would be peaceful and relaxing, and these are feelings I am far from.
However, I regret nothing.
I have been out three nights in a row now, and that is fine as I got a letter from student finance saying I get around five and a half grand now. Last night was the best of the three.
First was Taunton carnival. It was so grand, but I didn't really understand it. Each to their own.
I wasn't planning on going out, then I was in the Perkin, funny how life takes you places. Then Mambo, I do love that place. And that is where we remained until it shut, then went back and drank and talked until the sun came up, then stayed up more.
I fell asleep around eleven, woke up at two, went to bed, then I got a phone call so I gave up with sleep and finally started one of my journals.
But back to last night, it was marvelous, every minute was great. The company, the conversation and the dancing. Somewhere along the line I ended up talking to four Norwegian girls for a while, some say I pulled them, I have no experience to say what it was, but it was nice.
I just want to go back to last night and live in it, that is how much I enjoyed it.
And now my mother has got a puppy. The first dog had to be taken back, so now we have a puppy. I really need to go home, really, really need to go now. At some point in the next few weeks I shall.
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