Tuesday, 2 March 2010

I'm climbing up skyscrapers to a ceiling in the sky.

I forgot how much I loved Tammany Hall NYC. Words cannot describe how much I love them. They are the perfect band for Dan. Big on the acoustic, upbeatness, simplicity. A dash of epic codas and throw in pretty lyrics. And no one knows them so it makes it feel like they belong to just me.
I can now see myself listening to no one else but them for two weeks now. It will be a good two weeks.
I also forgot how much I loved Mythbusters. In particularly, Kari.
She is probably the only real person who isn't fictional that I love. I am in love with her, not some school boy fancy, but she is practically perfect.
She's on maternity leave though (well she was when the new episodes were filmed) so there is a big Kari shaped hole in my life at the moment. I don't like the new co-host but UK Discovery have been stupid and missed out five episodes so she just appeared out of nowhere without introduction. It doesn't matter greatly as there isn't much of a continuity between episodes, but I'd maybe like her more if she had been introduced.
Being a Mythbuster is still the perfect job for me. It's their fault (and horror films) to why I am now finally starting to look at a job I would like.
This now flows nicely onto me watching make up videos on YouTube. It made me feel good, like when a girl might look at an ugly girl and feel good about themselves. I was watching people being proud of their shitty attempts, and it made me feel even better about myself. A good feeling at the expense of those (probably) lovely people.
And the word lovely now links to something else. I did a lovely thing today, I opened a direct debit to UNICEF. So now when I watch tv I will feel twice as good. Not only will I feel better about the organ donor advert, but now the UNICEF advert.
Seriously, you should all join me up here. The view is most wonderful.

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