Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Here I dreamt I was an architect.

Today has been my one measly day off in this bitch of a week, though Sunday kinda counts as a day of as it will be easy going and I'm with Fran and Adam and hopefully the bakery will have some cool kids in it too.
Back to today. I made every moment count, after I had watched Deadliest Catch because I was just too tired last night. It was awesome by the way.
After that I went upstairs because last night I was struck by the thought that I had done shit all make up since February probably. I went for the slit throat and by the end of it I was ready to pack it in and just slit my throat.
It wasn't having any of it. The wax refused to play ball and it wasn't easy having to use a mirror to guide my hands. Eventually everything looked great and I thought I had caught a break. Nope.
I went to put some colour on it and bits started to fall off, come up and stick to the brush. Wax is a pain to get on and into place but after that it has always been a breeze - until today.
But I persevered, egged on by numerous curses to the world and got it all coloured and it was looking okay. Then time for the fake blood. This was fine until work decided to ring me with the most pointless information in the world which could of waited 'til tomorrow morning.
So my running downstairs and bending over was the final nail in the lid of my wound, parts had slid down my neck so I just pushed it up and took a photo and was done with it.
It would be ten times easier if I had someone else's neck because then I would be able to see better and not strain my eyes so much. I remembered I bought a fucktonne of gelatin so I'm just going to make a whole prothetic and glue it on.
Oh yes, before this I finished up a painting I did yesterday. I thought it was done but I had an idea to just make it a bit streaky and lighten it up with white spirit. It worked out awesome and pleased my immensely.
Then it was after the make up palaver that I decided to play with clay. This too was a pain but not as bad. The only other thing I was hoping to do with my day was draw a hannya mask and then make one out of clay but I had run out of time.
Despite all the mishaps is nice to know I got the most out of today.
I could of done more but my evening was all booked up with a trip to the cinema to see Kick Ass.
It certainly did.
And who knew, a fifteen can use the word cunt.
The film made me feel good with all the laughing and feel goodness coming from it but coming home I realised I still am not certain with what I want to do. Not that the film made me want to become a superhero, no, I just don't know what I want.
I'm happy here doing what I am doing. Minus my job of course.
I'm still going to go do make up or whatever for however long and see where that takes me. Making plans doesn't mean anything anyway because I'm sure I'll be happy doing whatever if I find some amazing girl. Or I could get a really good job doing something I enjoy which is made all the better by doing it with amazing people.
This is why I still don't know what to do. I think about make up and I just see myself alone. I try to picture working with people and having best friends around me but this leads to daydreams and nothing solid.
Everything seems to come back to the same point. I just really, really need to find the right people to be around. People who will bring the best out of me and so on. A best friend, but an actual best friend because I have been through so many I've lost count.
I'm going now, before you think of me as miserable. I'm not, these are just my thoughts being spoken.
Plus, I need to sleep.
So many of these seem to end with my need to sleep.

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