Tuesday, 13 April 2010

It's not Tuesday.

Today I swore it was Monday, and I can't believe that tomorrow is going to be Wednesday which means that my day off is practically a breath away. That will be nice, and I got some canvases today to keep idle hands occupied.

I don't have a lot to say because I feel so out of the loop. Not that I have been in a loop but I just feel like I'm standing behind my own life. It's nice in a way because it makes everything all the more care free and easy. However I have a feeling that I should be involved in something.
You know me though, the sense of ease within me over powers any other feelings.

Remember when I used to sit online all night every night? I prefer the way things are now. Who'da thought there was such a big wide world outside of msn?

Tv just reminded me about voting. I have an excuse not to vote because I'll be in Somerset all day. Sure I could do a postal vote or find some polling station but then my excuse wouldn't be an excuse.
Today though, I thought I might vote. That has passed.
Last year when people talked to me about it I thought that the Tories wouldn't win. Now when people talk and I see all the silly little signs, it's hard to imagine Labour winning.
Honestly, I'm curious to see what it would be like with a Tory government. I'm told all these horror stories but I can't help but wonder.

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