Friday, 2 April 2010

One of these days...

Yesterday was truly awful. Work beat me down and I was pretty close to violence. I bit my tongue and resorted to silent protest.
As I reflected on the day I thought about what day has been the worse day of my life. Nothing stands out as I have had a good nineteen years, so yesterday might have been the worse day of my life so far.
Now today, you'd think that today would of beat yesterday on the scale of awfulness but today was much better because it was more confrontational.
I verbally bitched slapped one of the managers because she said my set up was shit, whereas she was wrong and just needed to open her eyes to see that. I even referenced my paper work to prove my point all the more, which Ann found funny.
Then we all had a heated debate about pork. It was beautiful.
Stupid people not realising that things need time to cook and that everyday is different. You can't stick to the production plan when you want a million bags of everything all day. Wankers.
Then they wanted three singles for every pie even though they took our table for them. Give them what they want, which was another million bags of singles which will sit their all day only to be reduced and wasted later tonight.
Our department has three sections, if you only have two people then how are you supposed to do everything that is asked.
It pisses me off and it pisses everyone else off too, but we all had something to say about it today and that made me feel better.
And lets not forget that one of the managers didn't even know that Ash had left, the retard, and now thinks I can do six days one week to fix her fuck up.
I cannot wait until I leave, the ninth of August isn't that far away now really. Get April out the way, and May I have a week off, then it's just June and July to go and I'll probably have some more holiday hours to use up too.
I shall never ever work in a supermarket again. And I shall avoid any job that involves the public and management.
I'm ill equipped to work with people. I hate people.

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