Friday, 9 July 2010

Break my stride.

Finally broke the habit. A mid year resolution to not talk about my days on a day to day basis.
Ate heartily last night and still feel full now, then partied like it was 1997 with Bev. We had Third Eye Blind, Goo Goo Dolls and yo-yos!
I needed it for sure because maybe someone got too emotional when Anna went back to Pittsburgh. Only because the show is so awesome and embracing, and because areas of my life are empty at the moment I am substituting my absences with their presence.
Not in a sad depressing way, no, for I know I'll be filling up my life in no time at all.

I gave in my leaving date at work, but they don't need the formalities until a week before I piss off. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't leave them high and dry, but with the crazy one week notice system it looks like they will be screwed whatever way.
I will be missed, I know it. I am the best there apart from Ann. I could easily be the supervisor as there is nothing to it. And I am told these things too, it's not just my opinion. I'm an asset.
It will be nice to be missed, and despite all my hate, I think I will miss aspects. I'll miss the people, I might miss the hours because I like having afternoons and evenings to myself. I'll miss having a uniform that perfectly matches my hair, although I wont miss the fact it always reeks of chicken fat no matter how many times I wash it. I'll miss having a manager who treats me like a friend, and who maybe fancies me.
Yeah, I have developed an arrogance, it's pretty sweet.
I'll miss being really good at stuff and having newbies look at me the same way I looked at people when I started.
But I wont miss it for many reasons. Customers; nearly all wankers. The work; endless. The smell; rank. The management; shit.
It'll be good to leave.
Though it has lead me to think that maybe I should have a higher opinion on myself. I've been modest for my life, thought nothing extraordinary of myself. I have been awesome at this job, I can't help but feel pride in what I do despite the hate. My last job at the radio station I was awesome at, I'd get the days work done in three hours and spend the rest of the day drinking coffee, listening to music and drawing while occasionally answering the phone.
Not a massive resumé to form a conclusive conclusion, but along with other things like my kitchen skills I think I should have a much higher opinion on myself.
New starts soon, and I shall have a confident head on my shoulders, and maybe a pinch of ego. I wont become an arrogant prick, not just yet anyway.

So, I shall remain silent until I feel I have something to type. Probably some psychoanalysis and rants about Nazis. The usual stuff.

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