Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Wrapping paper.

I don't need to this, and I shouldn't.
But, I just feel like a chat, even if that means creating someone to talk to.
Today has been nice. I bought presents for upcoming birthdays. I feel good for doing so, but I have a few fears. These must be what normal people feel as it is rare I will put myself out there, but here I am going all out. I'm glad too, because I really want these people to see how much I care for them. And I still feel like apologising after abandoning everyone last year.
I look back with shame, I look at myself and wonder how I let things get under my skin so much, how I became captivated with opinions that weren't mine. How I started to hate people that in actual fact, I loved.
It's all out my system though, thankfully. Not for good, that I am sure of, but next time around I will have hindsight and knowledge to take my hand.
And this leads nicely to the other thing.
Fine & Dandy is on hiatus. That being a comic I thought about doing. I have the prologue and the sketches for it and chances are I will turn it into a finished product but I shall leave it there for now because I don't think it is something I can reign in on my own. I shall wait for the help and inspiration.
Also, I have my sights set on a new project.
Comics have strong, passionate and occasionally melodramatic personas in them, and this got me thinking about when I like a girl.
Not sure how I then got to the idea of writing some kind of autobiographical comic about girls. I think it was to put myself back into the shoes of days gone by to write in an overly dramatic persona, just to get in the practice.
I definitely want to do it because I have been planning it all out these past two days.
I don't want to be a graphic novelist, but I fancy dipping my toe in the pool, so starting with something personal is bound to be easier.

Other news:
I have headaches, big time.
As you know, I dabble in smoking, or should I say I did.
It was on/off for a couple of years. More of the off because to begin with I'm sure I must of had like a cigarette a month, but recently they have been on the up. Weekly, daily.
But they were not bad, they still gave me a good high and provided me with many artistic ideas. But I vowed that the day that I have a cigarette and it doesn't give me that great feeling I would stop.
Well, that day came and went.
I didn't care, but then they started to make me feel ill. Maybe my mental disgust had a hand to play, or the fact the last couple of cigarettes had been smoked when I was wasted and then I threw up.
Whatever it was, I threw them away to ensure I'd stop.
This is something I always wanted to do though, give up smoking on nothing but will power to prove it's strength.
But it's not hard, it's not like I was a smoker, twenty a day habit, that would be hard.
This is the life of leisure in comparison.

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