Sunday, 18 July 2010

Runaway dog.

I am most definitely a better person now I don't do this daily. What was I thinking, really?

Not a huge deal to report, but ahead I shall go.
Work. I don't pay it enough attention to hate it anymore because my leaving date is almost in my grasp. Next week will be a swine, Adam is on holiday, but I'll be happy to work more if it means he gets a week off because he shouldn't be there, he should be traveling the world and telling me his stories.
Week after that is a super nice one if all remains well, plus new person! It also makes me feel less bad for leaving because I like my department (minus Rob) and I wouldn't want to leave them in a pickle.
Another thing to mention about work, my boss came and had a chat with me about leaving and polite questions about life plans. It was nice of her, and despite all he faults I cannot say she doesn't have a relationship with all her employees. That is a good thing.
Anyway, enough supermarket talk.

Carnival. A day of many things. Met up with just two people, though we did visit a couple of friends who were at work. Got sweets and bitched about people, then bitched about the quality of the floats. Good fun.
Then wet. Then places to go, but I ended up at a friends for a little while where I borrowed I Love You, Man (which is good) and got I Am Legend back ready to read on holiday, assuming I can wait. I also need to get Kavalier and Clay.
Lift home to save being rained on, and ever so thankful was I.
Recently though, I have been wondering what it will be like when I meet up with friends after vast amounts of time. I wonder because there was this girl I liked, which is nothing new, but after not seeing her for ages and then seeing her I got nostalgic feelings for her. Not real feelings, all nostalgic it was.
Now some of my female friends I have liked in the past and I wonder if that will happen again.
I hope not.
See, this is why I write out my thoughts. Now I have written this I can see that if I am not single when I see them after a long time I should be sound as a pound.
Anyway, it's not a fear, just a mere thought I had.

Carnival evening was short. To begin with, some theatre. Then beer.
Just one for Dan as he had work in the morning and he just didn't fancy drinking loads for there was no celebration and he did get pretty ill from his last session.
But with all the laughter, I wouldn't of had time to drink.
Saw lots of old faces, and conversed at length with them about all sorts. It's nice to have common roots with people.
Someone I had a lovely and passionate talk about music said a warm hello to me, the pathetic person I am I like to believe it was because she remembered even though it was a good year ago. There was a girl with one of the cutest noses I have ever seen too, I would of liked to of said hi to her, and would of gotten the chance had I not promised to walk someone home. Curses.
There was someone else who said hi to me earlier which was, something. Made me doubt myself and my actions for a good thirty seconds before I knew I was right in my place. And I never want to get onto that slippery slope again.
And there were a million people I didn't get the chance to talk to, after doing my walking home duties of the night I thought about going back but I wanted to go home. I was tired, my knee hurt and I had work. A wise call.
Still, I can't help but feel I missed out on something great.

Hmm, I thought I'd be analytical in my talking but I wasn't.
What to say...?
Soldiers are not heroes.
Also, having the term 'hero', it would be nice if we didn't have it and everyone was instinctively heroic.
However, what would I of done the past few days if that were so, there'd be no Batman and as a result no Arkham Asylum to play.

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