Friday, 8 January 2010

in the impossibly large office of the death-dealing physician

Another early one for you because I am practically living the same day again.
Work, go out, work, go out.
You do realise that one day I will lose motivation and just post a song, maybe some lyrics or a pretty picture and call it a day.

"...and the rain came down like water from a faucet.  
I saw him at the crossroads, but I never saw him cross it,  
one minute he was on this side,
and the next he was be over on the other. 
so went his rounds, one sad patient after another.

It was a cold dark day 
with low clouds standing in the way 
and the stars jockeying for position 
in the crushed velvet world of the death-dealing physician."

But I'm not going to give up just yet. 

I have enjoyed work this week as it's deadly quiet. Christmas has gone and people dare not venture out into the snow so the shop feels like one of those connivence stores in mid-state America . Where all is too quiet and you wonder why, then you realise you're all in a horror movie. 
But I leave work and just see that it's just empty because of the weather and not some apocalypse. The thing is though, I get slightly disheartened by this. 

Last night was fun too. I love guy talk. 
I don't get much of it which makes it all the more of a much loved rarity. This talk is not just about sex as some might think, unless of course I am doing it all wrong, that is always a possibility. 

I would like this evening to be a summers one. A beautiful, warm and golden August evening. This is what I was thinking about as my house came into view when walking home. I was thinking about what I did this summer, when I sat out on my front wall with my guitar, seafood pizza, some kind of fruity alcohol and ate up life. 
That's the downside to winter. Though it is lovely and pretty and the snow is great, I can't go outside and lie in the grass. I would love to be outside in the grass, feel the warm sun throw itself upon me and maybe have Angels & Airwaves playing to make the moment complete. 
There is nothing stopping me from doing this right now, but it's a bit cold outside and I feel the magic wont quite be the same. 

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