Thursday, 21 January 2010

White power?!? Fuck off, you prick!

As I said, I felt disheartened as I walked to work but then I was fine once I was there.
And afterward, well I kinda had a sense of not wasting a morning but I was trying to work out what I should do with my year, and then from that, my life.

When I was home I wanted to sit in front of the tv and do very little, but daytime tv is far from watchable. Then I remembered I had recorded American Hate, American Nazis.
If ever I wondered why I am so hate filled, I just need to look at the things I watch. Documentaries about neo-Nazis and the slaughter of whales don't exactly fill people with a warm, fuzzy feeling about the world.
And American Hate, American Nazis sure did make me very hate filled.
What a bunch of wankers.
"I don't want our country to fall apart after all our forefathers fought for."
What the fuck?
Your fore-fucking-fathers raped, pillaged and stuck a flag in "your" country to claim it as their own. How can immigrants be destroying your culture when you have no real culture, you took the country, it's not yours!
White supremacy? Excuse me but the Native Americans were not white.
But I'm sure the Nazi scum have some belief that America was there's anyway, and they were just taking it back so there is no way you could logically argue anything against them.
Blame the Jews? Can someone please explain to me how that makes an ounce of sense.
Some huge conspiracy where they are destroying culture and the economy by out breeding the White Man? Yeah, sure...
And anyway, if any religious machine is going to be untrustworthy, it's the Vatican.
What does the White Man have anyway, what pride do they have? Pretty much all he does is invade places and call them his own.
Knowledge of a heritage only goes so far as well, after that you could be from anywhere. Chances are some of these neo-Nazis have Jewish ancestors. Wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth.
And a factor of National Socialism national pride? Well if you have all these immigrants wanting to come to your country because they think it's the biggest and best country in the entire world, would you not feel some pride about that.
Dick heads.
A woman made a really good point which made me smile.
"Kick your computer, not an immigrant."
It was about the change in economy and therefore change in jobs, and how technology and knowledge caused that shift. And it's true, immigrants aren't stealing your jobs, computers and technologies are.
Dick heads.

But it was only three quarters of this program that pissed me off. The last part made my day.
One of the neo-Nazi movements were having a march in D.C. and because of that loads of anti-racist activists turned up. It made me very happy seeing all those people there chanting 'Nazi scum!" and general hurling all sorts of abuse at them. I even got goosebumps it was that beautiful.
And to top it off, as the racist twats were trying to give their speech, the anti-racists got a big bullhorn and quoted all of Martin Luther King, Jr's speech.
I'd be lying if I wasn't turned on by how beautiful it was.
Good times.
And it's not all that bad having these neo-Nazis around. I mean, it is bad, they are bad. Bad, bad, bad.
But free speech is important, and it's also important that we have a constant reminder about bad things because us as humans will easily forget, or think we can not repeat the same mistakes.
We just need to be reminded of certain things to make sure we keep moving up and forward.

In other news, I finally found that song that was on the Whale Wars advert. I say I found it, it found me.
Had I paid any attention to the charts last year I would of known the song, but had I paid any attention to the charts I would of not been me.
I am at a really nice point in The Road, which is a lovely change from the bleak, grey and depressing feel of it. It's a really good book. But I fear their good fortune will not last, and soon everything will return to hopelessness.

So yes, I am in a grand old mood. There was probably more I was going to rant and complain about but it's escaped me. I'll remember what else I wanted to say in five minutes, but there is enough there for you and I for one day.

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