Not for the company, I just had lots of books and films there that I wanted to liberate.
I also forgot that I had Spaced, so that's a lot of tv I need to watch. I love Simon Pegg. I wish I had a friend like him, or when I grow up I hope to be just like him. Either or will be good.
I also rescued Pulp Fiction from my dads. I got that for Christmas because I had never seen it and really wanted to.
It's a little odd that a person such as I that watches such a high number of films would not of seen such a classic.
I don't know why that is. Maybe because I was only four when it came out and no one in my family owns it and I can never remember it being on tv.
There are a few high profile films I am yet to see, one of them being The Godfather. Yep, you heard me, I still haven't seen The Godfather.
But today, at least I got to cross Pulp Fiction off my to-watch-list.
And what a film it is.
It's up there with the best.
It's such a well rounded film coming full circle, in a way, as it starts and finishes at the same point. And the middle is a jumble of characters and time lines.
It's a straight forward story but you wouldn't think it would be because of the jumble of characters and time line, and that made me love it all the more.
Maybe it is just because when I used to watch films with gangsters in I would be really confused and therefore hate the film. The Departed was the film that stopped that trend, and that too is an amazing film.
Pulp Fiction is beautiful. Probably not in the conventional sense, more in the hot hooker sense. The sort where you have to have her there in the car because you wouldn't be able to drive twenty yards down the road and fight the will to rip her clothes off. I think this metaphor isn't going to well so I am going to leave it now.
Let's just say it's one of my very favourite films.
After Pulp Fiction I didn't know what to do, so I watched 5x2. A French film because I am so very cultured.
That was a film which told a love story in reverse. From a couples divorce to the when they first met. It was told in five different scenes and it was a pleasing film.
It had one of those revealing sex scenes in where you wonder how on Earth are they pretending to have sex without actually having sex. Is his dick taped to his leg or something to stop it poking places? Who knows.
And no, I wasn't just watching some French porno.
It was nice to watch a film with such a happy ending, but if only they knew they weren't going to last. They started out so infatuated and in love, only to get divorced and hate each other - isn't life wonderful?
Wow, that was pessimistic. I apologise.
This film made me wish I was a tall, bearded Frenchmen.
Go to a cafe, drink some coffee from a tiny cup, smoke a cigarette, eat a bloody steak, go to a dinner party which then becomes an orgy.
I must point out that I am not actually ignorant and stupid, I just enjoy to make blanket statements. I'm sure not every French dinner party ends in an orgy...
I'll probably watch another film tonight as it's been a while since I have had a film day.
I have probably also bored you enough for another day so I shall leave you with one the greatest moments in cinema.
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