Friday, 29 January 2010

Yep, it's official. I know when the best day of my life will be.

5:00am was a bitch this morning. I almost didn't get up because I was mid dream when the alarm went off and I wasn't fully awake when I was turning it off.
Some voice in my head screamed work, and then I remembered why the noise was happening.
My dream was an odd one. It was about work only I was now working for Tesco. But not properly, no, I was more like a mole or a spy.
Then the whole dream evolved into some sort of supermarket espionage between Morrisons and Tesco, with sneaking around, doing those things spies do and there was even a car chase thrown in.
If only my job was so good.
However I did lose an hour at work so I am beginning to wonder if I am actually a spy who is activated by some specific word. I don't remember the hour between eight and nine actually occurring. I went up for my break at what I thought was quarter to nine, turned out it was quarter to ten so I went home after my break.
It's a good thing that I didn't notice that hour because if I had been clock watching at nine o'clock the anticipation may of killed me.
On my way home after the fastest four hours of my life I listened to Third Eye Blind and dreaded terrible news. I passed the postman and guessed that he had just posted my Sin City book.
Open my door. I hear people.
"Hi, want to hear some good news?"
We have tickets!
Nic got them in the end as she is computer literate and Bev had been talking to her.
It's not hit me. It didn't hit me when I was told. I sat down and repeated, "I'm going to see Third Eye Blind."
But I do still have a feeling of excited unrest in my stomach.
It's going to get me eventually. And on May the 12th I will not be able to sit down for sheer excitement.
Third Eye Blind. I have waited a long time for this but I never expected it to be happening now.
And how just the other day I was telling you how I had been neglecting them, then told you the story of how I fell in love with them. My life seems to be full of coincidences like that, but nothing has happened to make me think there is some kind of greater intelligence behind it all.

And for those who don't like unanswered questions. The postman did deliver my Sin City book.
It's not at all in bad condition, looks like a library book, but it saves me spending a ridiculous amount.
Sin City is so beautiful. All film noir-like style. No superheroes, in fact there isn't anyone you would consider a good hero. It's all dark and gritty, and just amazing.
But I started the second Transmetropolitan last night, so I will try and finish that today so I can read Sin City in bed later.
Speaking of books, I bought one yesterday about anatomy. I'm terrible at drawing people, so I'm hoping that this will help me by learning everything from the inside out.
I also need to buy some things like liquid latex, grease paints, alginate, gelatin and loads of fake blood. No, I'm not making some creepy and crazy sex dungeon.
I also found this amazing looking kit. Skin Wizard. Slap in on your skin and it dries to look just like third degree burns. It's a good job I have a job.
I don't think I should tell my mother what these parcels will be when they arrive. I'll just make myself look like my throat has been slit and lie and wait for someone to come home.
This is how I find entertainment, scaring people.
The louder the screams, the prouder I feel.
I'm getting pretty excited about my life now, I know what I need to do and it's going to be a fucking blast to do.

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