Saturday, 8 May 2010

Fifteen minutes for two Coronas and six pence change.

I've just got in from work despite it being two minutes to nine and I was supposed to be there until nine. I did a whole, and literal, fifteen minutes work before coming back home.
It was a pretty pointless shift to begin with, an hour of refit related activities but I wasn't fussed about it, get paid.
But all I had to do was empty a fridge and I had Fran with me and - gosh, I've forgotten her name already, I am truly awful. Between the three of us we were done in minutes and took all the shit into a backup fridge.
Day done.
Easiest £6.12 ever.
Tomorrow wont be half bad either. Dan, Fran and Ann. It's not a coincidence that I get on best with those who's names rhyme with mine.
Then Fran and myself are doing more refit activities, two hours this time which hopefully will translate to half an hours work.
It was good to go out in the cool evening too as I have been restless all day. I woke up and threw myself around my bed until getting up and then I had no idea what to do with myself. A day off to do nothing. No drawing to do.
I watched tv. Two episodes of Castle, one of Deadliest Catch and one True Blood. God I love True Blood. I just upped it from nine starts to ten stars on IMDB. It's flawless. It has everything I love.
It's now my second favourite tv show, because Firefly can never be beaten.
I tired to tidy my room because I was restless. I sorted through some of my books, I have plenty. I then gave up with this and played with Garageband and my guitars.
Started Watchmen too, that was it. After that I can carry on buying Sin City and get DK2.
Plenty to keep idle hands busy.

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