Thursday, 6 May 2010

Somerset College of Arts & Technology

A pretty awesome day all in all.
Waking up was painful despite my extra forty minutes sleep. Tiredness hung over me as I opted out of my morning coffee so that I could have a comfy bladder for the car journey.
If I were superstitious, this day started great because before I got out of Buxton I saw two magpies flying together. Throughout the day I kept seeing magpies everywhere and about fifty Morrisons lorries. We really do do more fresh food that any other supermarkets.
And on the way back I saw two owls hunting. Magical.
My day consisted of more than just sights, don't worry.
Listened to all of Chris Moyels which was a nice way to wake up. Some Costa coffee from a service station. The toilets there are more like a shooting gallery than toilets.
Lost in Taunton. I thought it was nice to see the place, mother did not.
Talked to my first local there, nice West Country twang to his voice. Sadly, he was the only one with a good accent.
Arrive at college. Wait forever and a day in the art department only to then be told that the media make up interview was being done else where.
Trek back.
Meet the woman who already knows about the mess up of misinformation and get things going quick.
Really nice woman, easy to talk to.
No nerves for me. I didn't have them before hand but I thought when I was waiting I'd start to feel it, but this wasn't true.
From the get go she told me how I was super over qualified for that course, I was aware of that but thought the whole lack of art would of let me down. We talk about that for a few minutes before she asks to see some of my stuff. I show her my old GCSE crap first as I thought this would then make the rest look even better in comparison but she thought that my GCSE stuff was good anyway, then looked through the anatomy drawings I've been doing this year and says how they are both good and appropriate for such a course. Practically everything else I brought didn't get a look in because she was saying how the foundation degree would be far more appropriate for someone like me.
I'm right happy as this is what I wanted to do but I lacked the creative UCAS points.
But no, despite all this it doesn't matter because of my other grades, my portfolio, my age and of course, my enthusiasm. I'm quite speechless at this point, over joyed but I want to talk more, I felt like selling myself but as far as she cared she didn't need to hear it.
It's hard to call it an interview because it really wasn't at all, it was basically just talking about the foundation course and all that it involved. My mother was invited in at this point because it was a different course so there was lots of different finance things and accommodation things.
The three of us talk for a good forty minutes or so about all the different things. A huge selling point, I get to go to New York for a measly six hundred pounds! I can well afford that, I'm sectioning off said amount and not spending a penny of it.
That should be easy because I have been saving hard because I wasn't doing a degree course, but now I'll get student money.
I'm fairly sure that she offered me a place on the course because there was no what ifs and we'll be in touch. No, it was very much "see you in September". Great stuff.
She says there will be one other boy and the rest will be girls. Great stuff.
It was all great, and now there is no need for me to do the lower course, there's two years of my life I've saved already. I'm looking forward to it loads.
Basically all I need to do now is apply to that course via UCAS to sort out all the paper work side, then she'll talk to admissions to say that I've had my interview and in no time at all I'll start getting all my letters.
Out of politeness I went to the art people to say that I didn't need them or my interview anymore. That was good because the interview seemed like a bit of a cock and it saved be bluffing my way through knowing art.
Is it not a shame that I've worked on loads of things for the past few months for it to prove unimportant today? Not one bit, I've loved doing everything. I've had a blast with it all and I wont be able to stop if I wanted. My head's still full of ideas I need to get out but now this can all be done without deadlines.
I need to get my accommodation forms filled in now, I'll do that tomorrow.
UCAS needs doing which will be a piece of piss seems how my interview is pretty much a dead certain. The only slightly awkward thing to sort out is getting my reference from sixth form. But even that has it's good points, I'll go see my old teachers and chat and maybe see if they have all the finance details to save me leg work.
I'm super happy about everything. I'd show it more but I'm so tired and my head aches big time.
Because of these reasons I'm going to go to bed and probably have awesome dreams.

I swear, life treats me too well. Most things seem to work out fine on their own. The only rejection I've had is from Argos, not bad at all.

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