Friday, 21 May 2010

It would be a stronger world, a stronger loving world, to die in.

In a contrast to yesterday, today is not making a clear indication to it's soundtrack. Maybe by the end of this I will have a better idea.
So then, I just about died at work it was that hot. I was happy to go round the back and work because it was lovely and cool. It wasn't a bad day as I got to hide away for the most of it. It was also more easy going that usual, maybe the managers knew that no matter what we did we couldn't keep up with the stupid amount of people.
Or maybe it was summer in the air making everyone happy and care free.
I thought Rochelle was pregnant but there was no sign and I hadn't heard the news for sure. Then after my week off she got fat big time. Not fat, maybe that's mean, she got big anyway.
My feelings are mixed towards her. She's so nice to me and talks to me like an equal, and will talk about other people to me and discuss how shit they are. She never blames me for anything either.
This said, she's not the best line manager in the world. She'll piss me off with stupid requests and only sees half of the picture. Like looking at a clock to see the time and forgetting about all the cogs that are providing you with the time.
Still, it's always good to have allies in high places.

The other day I found my Russian navy top and have been living in it ever since. It wasn't comfy when I first got it but now it's the bee's knees.
Finally got round to getting a pot and some compost to move my pumpkin plant outside. This RL Farmville may take longer but it's far more rewarding. I do hope my pumpkin doesn't die.

Up until the last chapter it's a good comic, a great story and characters with minor characters thrown in as a foil. Is it a foil? I can't remember, anyway, things thrown in to make you draw similarities and comparisons. And then their is a comic within itself which bridges itself with the story in a not so subtle way, but I liked it. It was just the art. It feels flat and generic. Colour wasn't controlled either I thought, the pallet it wide throughout. Yeah, in some parts it's restricted to convey moods and a characters psyche.
But there were many parts which pleased me greatly.
This was all until the final chapter. Just wow.
The big showdown. You have been following the heroes, and here they are ready to take out the villain. But wait, in the grand scheme of things the villain is the hero. The moral dilemmas!
I still don't know which side of the fence I am on about it.
I look forward to reading it again as it is very clever.
I think it will also go into my wall of fame for books.
The whole Cold War period must of been something to live in. Not good, far from it, but I read things from that era and watch things and they are marvelous. The tension was obviously inspiring for people.
But not a good time for actually living, I assume, and I'm happy that World War Three did not occur.

And finally, UCAS is all done and dusted. My time with it was very short and very sweet. Unconditional offer, what a surprise.
Despite how well everything seemed to work I still had that bit of me expecting doom and gloom.
I should have confidence!
I'm getting more of the stuff I think as reading The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying seems to be pushing me closer to the edge, ready to take that leap of faith.
Maybe I will.
I'd like to.
But yes, things have all worked out on their own accord. It's beginning to feel all the more real.
No nerves, just excitement. It's going to be a ball!

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