Saturday, 1 May 2010

Your cheek on mine.

You're fully aware of my hate but when I think about the day I leave Morrisons I feel a little sad. The job can fuck off but I enjoy quite a lot of the company there.
Despite the fact that the last day of school meant very little to me and the last day of sixth form meaning even less. I'm not apathetic but I'm not that sentimental about things either so I have been pondering this feeling.
Not that it matters, it'll just be like anything else. Any emotions on the subject will last three days and then I'll forget to look back. But this wont happen either because I'll be stoked about going on holiday.
Enough of that now.

I can now see why Jeff Mangum loves Anne Frank. I can also see how it can inspire.
It's making me want to write a song and this is a feeling that I wish to pursue.
It is really nice to read just to see the vast span in what is right now and what was seen to be right then.
I think I must of had some pre-existing idea stuck in my head where I expected that because things were stricter that emotions would follow too. Far from it.
Her feelings and words are no different from right now, which is obvious now.
How crazy people were to subdue their true nature just to fit the image that was expected of them.
I like to think that behind closed doors it was different, all passion, furious clothes ripping and kinky sex.

Soon I shall be swigging the beer with True Blood. If only I didn't get rid of my invisible friend, I'm sure he would of liked it being a vampire and all.

Listening to a phone conversation about Farmville is one of those moments that I lose faith in everything and everyone.

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