Tuesday, 2 February 2010

2 group invitations.

I really am fickle. Remember yesterday when I was all moody? Well I did sit down in the cellar with music, coffee, some books and drew. I did this until just before midnight where I was too tired to carry on (only for the caffeine to kick in once I was in bed). It really made me happy doing that.
There were parts of the night where I was singing away happily in different voices even though I'm pretty sure you can't get high off graphite. Maybe it was all the radon. Or maybe it was just a good old fashioned good mood.
And this is why I keep myself to myself with most things because I know myself pretty well so I know how easily my mind, heart and moods will change.
If I vocalised every passing thought I have ever had I'd be typing this from inside a mental institute because people would brand me as crazy if I spoke every thought.
I'm sure this is nothing personal to me as everyone is like that too.
Maybe I have trust issues. I wonder about this often but I don't think I do, I just prefer to listen than talk. Unless I am drunk and I have just met someone for the first time, then I will pour my heart out and cry on them.

Today I am going to complain about Facebook. But first, do you think we will all still use it when we are thirty? And if we do, imagine how many photos will be on there.
Facebook used to be better but now I feel too many pierced queer teens of cyberspace are leaving MySpace for Facebook. Then all the endless annoying applications. Yeah, they can let you know more about a person which is a good way to socially network but call me old fashioned I prefer a conversation rather than stupid little quizes with stupid questions written by stupid little twelve year olds.
Then all those groups! These annoy me more than the fan pages because when I think of a group I think that has to have discussions and such. The fan pages are still annoying and some make no sense at all. I saw one that was called something along the lines of "we used to be really close but now it's like we don't know each other". If you become a fan of this I would read it as you're a fan of growing apart from people, you actually enjoy not knowing someone when you used to be really close.
Come on people, think!
People also like to invite me to groups. Yesterday I was invited to that one titled 1,000,000 people who don't want Cameron as the next PM. I didn't join but neither do I want to have him as our next Prime Minister. I probably wont vote either.
But really, people are actually thinking that if a Conservative government gets in then the country will fall apart. You wankers. Do you not know a thing about the world we live in. We're lucky, we live in a county with democracy. Try living in a military junta in Burma where if you are as bold enough to complain about the government there, well there is no telling what will happen to you. Remember about three years ago with the huge pro-democracy uprising? Normal, oppressed people taking to the streets in the hope of having the one thing we take for granted, and what happened to them? That's right, the military crushed them. Went round monasteries and arrested monks, beat them to death and opened fire on students.
But no, you're all probably right. If the Conservatives get into power then it probably will be the end of the country.
And the name of the group, only a million people against him? The UK has just shy of sixty-one million people. That's just me being pernickety.
Do feel free to complain about the Conservatives though, I do. Just make sure you put things into perspective.

Wait, there's still more!
I was also invited to something about meat free Monday's.
So everyone doesn't eat meat for one day for a week and the planet is saved. Make sense?
(Please note that what I am about to ramble on about is not at all referenced or researched, I'm just using my knowledge and common sense. Much like I did with all my coursework).
So the world eats less animals there will be less animals because supply and demand will have decreased. Yes, that is correct. However just because we stop eating meat for one day a week doesn't mean we eat less food a week. No, it means we will have to substitute meat for something else. Firstly, fish, depending on if you think it's meat or not. If you are going to eat fish each Monday more fish will be needed and that means more fishing. So more boat trips is obviously going to pump more carbon into the atmosphere. Or setting up more fish farms will require production of many materials.
Arguable, substituting fish for meat one day a week could be better in the long run.
However most people will not eat meat or fish, they will eat vegetables. And more of them.
So the land you saved from having animals on will now be full of plants. That's good isn't it. They are going to take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. How lovely of them.
But all these plants are going to be harvested. And that will mean the carbon and nitrogen cycles will be broken as these plants will take nutrients from the soil but not replenish them when they die and decay. This means that over time your soil is going to become less and less fertile. Now there are two things that can be done here, you can go get some new and fertile land or you can fertilise the old land. Places like Brazil will cut down more rainforest to get to the fertile land and grow more crops and in this case the rainforest is going to recycle far more air than the crops could meaning a net loss for the planet.
So we could fertilise the land. Ah but you see, we have less farm animals now because we're all eating less meat which means there is going to be a lot less natural fertiliser. That's okay though because we can make more chemical fertilisers like nitrogen phosphorus potassium. Ah shit, I forgot, chemical plants are bad too.
Bugger, what do we do now?
We have our wish of eating less meat but the planet is no more saved than it was when we ate more meat.
I'm incredibly cynical when it comes to the planet. I don't believe it can be saved. But there isn't anything to save, global warming is natural we just happen to make it a little bit worse. The world's population is increasing and there is little we can do about that. And with an increasing population we are going to need more food which means clearing more land. We are going to need more homes which means clearing more land.
There is no way we can accommodate a growing population while counteracting global warming. But we can add less to it by being less wasteful and such.
We can't stop change, we can only adapt for it.
It's nice that people have good intentions, but maybe think out the logistics of how not eating meat will save the planet.

And so concludes today.

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