I just recently stood up, my poor big feet. How they ache.
So anyway, today has been a good day despite how bitter I was about everything yesterday.
I've said numerous times I am like this.
When I say you can't take anything I say seriously, I mean it. None of my words hold any real weight because it takes only the tiniest things to put me in a great mood and forget about everything.
And last night there were a few tiny things that made me very happy.
Like an reply from a company I emailed because a package hadn't turned up, and it was a really nice, helpful one and now they are sending a replacement free of charge. That made me feel very happy about the world, a nice reminder that not everyone deserves my hatred.
But what really made me feel great was the best shower I have ever had. I have no idea why it felt so good, but it did and as far as I cared that moment was the best moment I have ever felt. It was just so warm and soothing and made me feel at peace with everything. I was sad to get out but forty minutes was a bit excessive for what had started as a quick shower.
And then in bed I listened to Love again.
It's a very pleasing album, even as judgmental as I am. I really am, I'll judge a person by the book they read just like I did today. They were reading some fantasy novel and I went and wrote their life story from this one piece of information, and it wasn't a good life.
I'm not judgmental in a bad way, I just get carried away sometimes with my own thoughts.
I'm also not so great at being tolerant of people. With most things I am fine, I love variety but sometimes I really can't understand why people can't see the world as I do.
But I'm good, I pretend to be all accepting and only rip people apart in my head.
Back to Angels & Airwaves. Quite a bit of what Tom DeLonge sings about is things I don't agree with but unlike with most things, I am actually accepting and respect what he believes in.
Like when he sings about true love and such, that's not for me. There is no such thing as true love. You could fall in love with one person and be with them forever but that doesn't make them your true love because if you had of not met them then you would of found someone else and could of been with them forever instead. No, the idea of a true love implies no need to work at anything and that is far from true.
I'm not trying to cheapen anything, I do believe in love, just not true love. That belongs with all that other crap like fate.
And there is a cuteness about him.
Speaking of cute, Clare is back in Lost. I have seen many cute things in my days but she is number one, hands down.
The actress probably isn't as cute in RL and as a real person but in Lost the character is so beautifully cute. I'd love for her to be sat here right now and I would stare at her until I died.
Just another one of those fictional characters I am in love with. I should edge my bets with a real person one day but they would have to be pretty fucking amazing to come out on top of Mary Jane and all the rest.
So I said I think I like today, and it has been a good day indeed.
A case of not what you are doing but who you are doing it with. The right company can make the world of difference.
I definitely glad to have a day off tomorrow though. Being at work isn't too bad, it's the getting up and having to go somewhere and do something I don't really want to do that gets me down.
It's just the way I am. I'll drag my feet until the end, then get on with it and find it's not as bad as I thought.
I need to leave now as I am ever so tired and I aim to be fresh faced tomorrow. Well a fresh face would mean shaving and that's unlikely to happen so I aim to be as fresh faced as I can be because I want to do lots of things as I got a new book today full of things for me to do. And if I do everything that's in this book I'll have a huge and amazing make-up portfolio. And isn't that what every wants out of life?
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