Friday, 19 February 2010

This is life and everything's alright.

I was filled with lots of good feelings last night. I had an easy shift at work as it was the closing down shift which involves doing pretty much nothing at all. But it was my walk home that made me feel on top of the world. I don't know why but there doesn't need to be a reason to feel good.
My head was alive with ideas and I wanted to go home and put some into practice but I knew I couldn't do that. I couldn't do anything as I had to get to bed to get as much sleep before I had to get up again.
And walking was really enjoyable too, every song that played pleased me greatly and I liked the dusting of snow, everywhere was lovely looking.
But no night walking for me.
Just sleep.

Tonight I am too tired to do anything. I really want to do something good with my time but there is little energy within my body. I'll make up for this tomorrow when I can pump my veins full of coffee because I have Sunday off!
This is an actual day off because I made the mistake of only looking at this weeks rota and not next weeks. I assumed it would be a normal and quiet week. Nope, another thirty hours. Then the week after that is another thirty hours.
I wont know what hit me. If I ever get a full time job I'll die.
My next pay slip is going to be huge.

Today when Motorcycle Drive By came on my iPod it felt as if my heart was pumping helium. It's a song that will give me goosebumps any day of the week but now every time I hear it I picture May 13th. It really is going to be the best day of my life, I have never felt so excited about anything before.
This got me thinking about how many times I get goosebumps from songs. I get them all the time so certain songs must not only metaphorically resonate with me, but also literally resonate with me which causes the goosebumps.
Then I thought about all the various people I love even though I have never met them. Stephan Jenkins for one, if he died I'd cry my eyes out but if someone I have known for most my life would die I wouldn't shed a tear.
Some might say I am heartless, I just happen to have my heart in the wrong place (or the right place, depended on your opinion).

I'm ever so tired now, I'm going to find a film I think and fall asleep.

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