I should change that, talk about more interesting things and provoke more thoughts.
Today is not the day for change though as I just want to be left alone. There is no chance of that though.
Just leave me be, I want to be anti social and spend my time in the cellar. If I wanted to talk I would start a conversation. Sure, your constant talking and questioning may mean you have some interest but doesn't my tone of voice tell you to leave.
I keep myself to myself, every thing's just a whole lot easier that way.
I am supposed to give blood today. I'm not going to. It's purely for selfish reasons as I still feel a little groggy and if I go lose a pint of blood I am not going to feel any better at all. Plus, as I feel shit then I might pass out and then they can't take my blood anyway, so I am saving everyone some hassle.
And I'm not being a pussy because last time I might of got a bit to anxious and got all light headed. I didn't even pass out, I was doing just fine but they decided to stop it.
I'll just go to a session later on in the month, or next month. Point being I will definitely go, just today I don't feel up to it.
Speaking of donating things, when the organ donation advert comes on tv it makes me feel better than you all. I'm a registered donor so that advert is not for me, it's only use is to make me feel superior to everyone else. And that sure is a good feeling.
I don't see why more people don't donate themselves. Why burn something or leave it in the ground when you could go let someone live. If I have children and if something would ever happen to result in the death of one of those children I'd definitely let them use their organs to go let another child live. What's the point of letting two people die when one can save the other?
Death is the only thing you can count on in life, so why not make something of it.
That filled up some space, and the rest of the space is going to be the tale of my day as I really can't be arsed to talk much more.
I had a little bit of a movie session this morning. I got out of bed only to bring a coffee back upstairs with me where I then watched Day of the Dead as I was too tired to watch it last night.
It's a very good film and 28 Days Later has a lot in common with it. The military being there, having a massive wanker in charge, both these said wankers being portrayed by awesome actors and both films have the same idea of studying the dead/infected to learn from them. 28 Days Later's studying is much simpler, it's pretty much seeing how long it takes the infected to starve to death. Day of the Dead though, the studying of the dead is central to the story. Bub (the zombie who learns through conditioning) is one of the only characters I warm to in the film, I'm not sure why but I don't particularly like anyone else in it.
My afternoon was eaten away by some time consuming monster. It's the only explanation of why it was five o'clock before I final got sat down to do some work. All I did was have a shower after watching my films and no way that took four hours.
Maybe this is linked to that hour I didn't notice at work. Maybe I really am a spy.
I spent a fair old chunk of money on various bits today. I got things to play with like make-up, latex and moulding wax. £72.29.
They should be here within a week max. I can't wait until they get here however it's probably a good thing that they will take a few days to get here because I know as soon as I have them I wont draw a thing.
I also need to restrain myself from jumping in at the deep end. I really want to go all out with an excessive werewolf attack style make-up, but I will start simpler. I'm thinking slit throat. Then after than I may try and make my own prosthetics. Then I'll have a break down because I wont get it right. Then after a day or two of sorrow I will try again and do fine. Then I'll carry on and see where I end up.
This really is a very exciting point in my life, and then there is Third Eye Blind too. But today I have been in one of those moods where it takes very little for me to get pissed off which has gone and put a downer on everything.
When this happens I just lock myself away. Not for the sake of the outside world as I have no care for them, I do it for my own sake.
Gosh, I feel like I might be whining on like a whiney bitch. I'm sorry. Not sorry for you having to listen, I'm sorry if I have painted a wrong picture of myself in your head.
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