Monday, 8 February 2010

New sock feeling.

People say it's the best feeling in the world. It's nice to have your feet plunge into something cool, smooth and fresh for a change but it's far from being the best feeling in the world.
I am talking about this because I am wearing new socks today, and for the over curious ones out there they are Batman ones. Putting them on was a good feeling, however I didn't feel like I might die from a pleasure overdose.
I wonder if you can die from too much pleasure?
If so, what would my pleasure overdose come from?

Well, because I started with a complaint it only seems right to carry on.
Want to know what else annoys me other than most things in the world? Doesn't matter what your answer is because I'm going to go on regardless.
When people say they need to find themselves. What the fuck!?
Maybe I have said such words in the past, but never in a serious way. Anything I say needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
But these people, what are they on about really.
It's probably just one of those excuses to get out of relationships.
"I need to find myself."
"It's not you, it's me."
"I'm gay."
I just don't get it but this is probably because I don't feel like a lost sheep. I know who I am and I know what I like.
Or maybe it's just the way it's worded, finding yourself, like it's something you have never had before. Maybe when folk say this they actually find something that was in them all along.
But finding yourself? Can someone really go through their life and know nothing about themselves.
Actually, now I'm arguing against it, it could make sense as some people create a life around a success that has been dictated to them and never have they stopped to think.
All in all, I don't think you can travel the world and find yourself. No, you are who you are. Everything's in there, only some of that needs to be uncovered. Traveling the world and doing all those cliche things may catalyse that uncovering but you can "find yourself" by just sitting down and having a good old think about where you are, how you got there and how you feel about it all.

Anyway, the Saints won. That pleased me. What didn't please me was the taste in my mouth this morning when I woke up, it tasted like a bad party.
I'm glad it's a Monday today as I had a nice quiet day time while everyone was at work and school.
I have also come across a load of old things when I took a book out my room. It was full of little doodles I used to do in bed, mainly of Spider-man and Mary Jane. They were fun to look at, but then on the back of one of them I had a list of my favourite bands at that point in time. The only one there that is still in my top bands was The Clash, there was no sign of any of the bands I love now.
I wanted to go back in time and ruffle fifteen year old Dan's hair.
I'm going to go now as I am bored.

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