Sunday 13 June 2010

I love my landlord.

He is great, quirky, but great.
I'll miss him if he ever leaves, hopefully I'll be gone before that.
I turned my absence of mood into a quick watercolour last night, and the process of putting my mood down made me melt back into myself.
Today I finished my big canvas. I'm not happy with it, nor am I proud, but I'm glad I did it. I must sound like a dick all the time when I say I'm looking for my niche, but it's true - I think? It's been so long and it has only been this year where I have actually attempted art rather than copy pictures.
I'll improve, and this is the only reason I keep going no matter how much shit I churn out.
But today, I was sat with my guitar, played a progression while I sang some ideas I've had for lyrics. And my, it came out great. The ideas sounded cheesy on paper, but throwing them around out loud. This lyrical bombshell session was interrupted when I was asked if I wanted to go out for food. Of course, I went.
Burritos. Then half my mothers chili and nachos.
I hurt.
Not to mention all the Corona and Magners.
Then I whopped ass at pool, like amazingly so.
Tomorrow I hope to share some time with Rory, I have work in the afternoon so we shall see.
Next week for work will be...I'm not sure. Five days, four of which are early ones so the week itself will fly by but the individual days will drag. But I do get Thursday off which means Wednesday night can be indulged to the extreme!

I watched to second half of the Germany and Australia game. It was good, Australia so deserved to score at least one goal for their effort, but the Germans deserved to win for the lush football. I hate football most the time, how it is just about money. The World Cup is refreshingly different, it's incredibly simple which makes it wonderful.
I feel for Rob Green. I feel like I can relate because I used to play as goalkeeper in junior school and did other bits. I obviously have no clue, but part of me still feels like a goalkeeper as it is my favourite position.
Talking of football, I have been requested for a football game in like two years time. Talk about love. Makes me feel awesome, almost as awesome when I was the only person who came close to scoring a goal in that radio game. It was beautiful.

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